Multibeam Acoustic Bathymetric Survey
During the past decade, the use of multibeam acoustic survey in hydrographic mapping has become increasingly common and accepted. Unlike single beam acoustic survey, Multibeam acoustic survey acquires bathymetric sounding across a swath of water bottom using a collection of acoustic beams, as opposed to a single beam, which ensonifies only the area directly below the depth sounder.
SDI’s survey team are providing multibeam acoustic bathymetric surveys with a specific focus on delivering results to meet the standards of resolution, accuracy, survey coverage and lead time requirement for every project. SDI carry out multibeam acoustic surveys by Teledyne multibeam echosounders. The multibeam echosounder will equip with RTK GPS base survey system for DGPS corrections. Surveys will also adopt SDI manufactured motion reference unit MRU 333 to measure the precise pitch, roll, and heave of sonar. Our 24-feet pontoon boat is customized specifically for multibeam acoustic bathymetric survey and provides an ideal platform for different projects. Our boat supports the deployment of multibeam echo sounders, as well as vibracore sampler, side-scan sonars, RTK GPS receivers, motion reference unit and sound velocity probe.
Key Benefits:
- Provide high-resolution bathymetry map and a backscatter image of the surveyed area
- Fast data acquisition
- Great data coverage
- Dredging projects
- Rivers, harbor, dam inspection surveys
- Oilfield engineering
- Oceanographic research projects
- Environmental studies
- Hazard surveys