ecoSPEARS uses VibeCore for Clean Water Tech
ecoSPEARS uses Vibecore later in 2019 to deploy their new SPEARS technology at the Port of San Diego to remove pollutants from groundwater.
Startup develops device to remove pollutants from groundwater
As part of its Blue Economy Incubator, the Port of San Diego has approved a new pilot project with ecoSPEARS Inc., a startup cleantech solutions company working to develop a cost-effective and eco-friendly cleanup solution to extract and destroy toxic contaminants from sediment, soil and groundwater. Under a two-year agreement with the Port, ecoSPEARS will test its remediation technology in San Diego Bay.
ecoSPEARS is the exclusive licensee of the NASA-patented SPEARS technology. SPEARS stands for Sorbent Polymer Extraction and Remediation System, which was invented by a team of NASA environmental scientists as a green remediation solution for contaminated waterways. Shaped like spikes, SPEARS filled with a proprietary solution are deployed down into contaminated sediment or around challenging or sensitive wetland areas where dredging may not be feasible. Once settled into the sediment, ecoSPEARS says the SPEARS act like sponges, passively absorbing chlorinated toxic contaminants such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dioxins.
ecoSPEARS is the seventh project approved under the Port’s Blue Economy Incubator. Established in 2016, the incubator is acting as a launching pad for sustainable aquaculture and Port-related blue technology ventures by removing barriers to entrepreneurs and providing key assets and support services focused on pilot project facilitation. The goal of the program is to build a portfolio of new businesses that can deliver multiple benefits to the whole Port community such as fisheries enhancement, ecosystem restoration, water quality improvements, environmental monitoring, and education and outreach.
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