Sonar mapping of storage ponds offers safety and savings
Sonar mapping of storage ponds offers safety and savings
Sonar mapping of storage ponds offers safety and savings
Background Specialty Devices, Inc. (SDI) was contracted by ENVIROdredge to perform a pre-dredge bathymetric and sub-bottom survey of one of the flood control ponds located in Burning Tree Country Club, Greenwich, Connecticut. The survey objective was to map the existing water bottom and sediment bottom by combining an acoustic bathymetric survey and vibracore sampling. Survey The
Background SDI was contracted by an Engineering Firm to perform an acoustic bathymetric and sub-bottom survey at a river channel in north Texas. The aim of this survey is to determine the present water bottom and sediment bottom elevation as well as sediment thickness distribution at the survey time. Survey A Hemisphere S320 / A325 RTK
Background Bank erosion along a river in South Texas has damaged or threatened houses, roadways, and public facilities for decades. SDI was contracted by an Engineering company to provide equipment and technology to map the river geomorphology and bank characteristics for a 3.3-mile study area. The collected data was used for providing detailed measurements of erosion